Friday, January 8, 2016

Everything is Beautiful in its Season

At first, when I went home for Christmas with my new camera, I didn't know if I would get the time to do any shooting. I am not a professional photographer, so I hit up my favorite nature spot, Watkins Mill, just to see what kind of shots I could come up with.

My philosophy when it comes to photography is to keep it simple. There are a lot of different styles and filters and effects that can all be appropriate in a given setting, but I personally like to go no filter (without the hashtag). One of the reasons is because I love nature. When I go outdoors and take in all the freshness and goodness of the world around me, it is often a very peaceful and spiritual experience. I cannot add anything to God's creation to make it better, so my objective is just to capture it.

Though it might be common to view winter as the most dull and dead season in terms of nature, I like to think of it as the antecedent of the bursting forth of new life that we witness with great joy in the spring time. Everything happens in cycles and seasons. So it is in our lives.

Here is a sampling of my humble beginnings as a photographer:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
-Ecclesiastes 3:11, ESV

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