Monday, June 1, 2015

A dream is a stepping stone on the pathway to success.

Hello, and welcome to my blog. While I familiarize myself with the blogging world, and while you familiarize yourself with me, I hope that we can all enjoy ourselves and grow a little as people. My whole purpose in sharing the things that I share is to be uplifting (because everyone can benefit from kinds words and a smile). I want my life to be fulfilling, to bring happiness to others, and, in short, to make a difference. One of my favorite quotes is from Teddy Roosevelt, who said,

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

For my first post, I thought I would dive into something very philosophical and deep - dreams. Dreams can be strange. Dreams can be funny. Dreams can be scary. But all in all, I am of the persuasion that dreams are what we thrive on. As my title suggests, I don't believe that dreams exist simply in the interrogatory, "What if?" When they come to fruition, dreams are real. They offer a concrete look at who we are and what we wish to become. Let me share a few suggestions on how to follow your dreams until they blossom into something beautiful, tangible, and real.

  1. Learn to find beauty in the small things. Every day on my way to work, I pass lots of buildings, cross railroad tracks, and travel on busy highways. These, for some, are symbols of economic fortitude, a constant reminder that life never stops or lets up, and that there is much work to be done. And every day on my way to work, very near to the strip of industrial warehouses that neighbor my place of employment, I pause to look at this vast field. There is no concrete parking lot, no massive building that houses scores of automotive parts or trucks or cogs of invention. No, there is simply one towering tree, shooting up majestically and proud in the midst of this empty field. When I think about it, the tree is actually quite ugly in its appearance. Its branches are contorted all about, and the lower portion is in much need of pruning. But something about the whole setting of this lonely tree is very appealing and very beautiful to me. So it is with our dreams. Whatever you seek, it may take a long and difficult journey to get there. So don't just focus on the end goal, enjoy life along the way.
  2. Persevere. Don't get caught up in the present either. When you get bogged down (and unfortunately, you will, my friends), get back up. Nothing can stop a man or woman with a heart full of purpose and a head full of steam. There is another, lesser-known quote which I enjoy by Robert Browning, "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?" Just think about that for a minute. Let it marinate in your mind.
  3. Share your dreams with others. True happiness is found when you share the best moments of life with others you love. Dreams are not a lonely conquest. Find someone that can help you find your dreams. Hold onto that person. Hold onto your dreams. Learn to love. Learn from your mistakes. 
Well, there you have it. Short and sweet. That's a wrap for June 1, 2015. I'll see you next time!

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